How does MedTechnologies benefit employers and potential future employees?


MedTechnologies' software solutions can positively impact employee health and safety before a costly disabling injury or work-site illness, and improve productivity:

  • Whether or not you are currently doing pre-employment health examinations

  • Decrease the risk of new employees being placed in a work environment that can result in injury

  • Optimize and individualize employee work assignments to ensure a safe work environment for new employees

  • Identify individualized employee needs and recommended targeted interventions (occupational and other health support programs), deploying limited resources only to employees who specifically need them

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If you are already systematically conducting pre-employment health examinations or are planning on implementing a pre-employment health program, MedTechnologies offers the following benefits:

  • Cost savings for employers by reducing the need for formal pre-employment medical examinations by over 50%
  • Convenience for candidate employees who do not need a formal pre-employment health examination and can simply access MedTechnologies’ screening algorithm on their own time from the comfort of their home
  • Streamline the employment process, reduce timelines, and improve efficiency for both employers and future employees
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The algorithm has shown to reduce the need for a formal pre-employment medical examinations by over 50%. Candidates with a normal MedTechnologies screening would be found to be fit for work following a complete pre-employment medical examination.  Most candidates requiring a formal pre-employment examination based on MedTechnologies screening algorithm are still found to be fit for work, and some identified as fit for work with specific restrictions.

Only a minority of candidates are found unfit for the specific work requirements that occupational interventions cannot reasonably accommodate. 

How does it work?

Employers email candidate employees a unique secure portal access code. Once the candidates complete the confidential MedTechnologies screening algorithm, individualized reports are made available to the employer via their own secure portal.

Recommendations will include whether a formal pre-employment medical examination is indicated and which elements need to be evaluated. Specific preventive recommendations may also be included. MedTechnologies does not make medical diagnoses.

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Ancillary Testing

Evidence is lacking for the added value of most ancillary tests in pre-employment medical health assessments. However, some employers have instituted mandatory ancillary testing for all new employees. These employers can continue this practice while opting out of the costly and time-consuming medical examination if deemed unnecessary by the MedTechnologies screening algorithm.

These tests may include:

  • Urine drug screen
  • Formal visual acuity evaluation
  • Audiometry (hearing)
  • Lumbar spine and chest x-rays
  • Spirometry (lung function)

Ancillary Testing

Evidence is lacking for the added value of most ancillary tests in pre-employment medical health assessment.  Still, some employers have instituted mandatory ancillary testing for all new employees.  Those can continue doing so, while opting out of the costly and time consuming medical examination, if deemed unnecessary by the MedTechnologies screening algorithm.  

These may include: urine drug screen, formal visual acuity evaluation, audiometry (hearing),

lumbar spine and chest x-rays, and spirometry (lung function)